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Are you embarrassed to admit how long you've been learning English?

You've studied for years, you know your stuff - now release your blocks to speaking it!


I offer one-to-one support, in English, to take your spoken English from awkward to comfortable, even confident ...even if it's not perfect ;-)


(And I'm not talking about more English classes!)

Image by tabitha turner

About you

You feel stuck. And frustrated. Or resigned.


You've been studying for years and have  a decent level "on paper". But when it comes to speaking it just doesn't come out they way you know it could.

You want to have easy conversations, feel confident giving a presentation or speaking in meetings - you want to use the English that you know!


You don't need more English classes.

You don't need a new teacher.


That's not your problem. And it's not just a question of confidence.


What will help you is to address the ways your nervous system has decided that it's safer to not speak up in some situations or with some people.


And if you're open to trying something different that will aIso give your English a boost, I can help you do that.

Image by Gemma Evans
Image by Arno Smit

About me

I've been there! I have so much compassion for you!

I've been a language learner, a language teacher, a teacher trainer and someone who's had difficulty saying what I want to say, and not because I didn't know how to. I know how frustrating, embarrasing and limiting it can be.


I've always been fascinated by what makes people tick, why some 'can't' where others 'can'. I have ample training and experience in using mind-body tools to help you free your language and get unstuck.


Combining my experiences with language learning and my obsession with personal growth and the mind-body-soul connection,  I'm passionate about helping language learners break through their embarrassment and blocks and show the world what they have to say!

woman in black jacket and black pants standing on gray dirt ground during daytime_edited_edited_edit

How stuck are you?

Are you stuck up to your ankles, knees, waist or neck? In this complementary call we'll figure out how stuck you are and what we can do to get you unstuck. It can be in English or Spanish, depending on your current comfort level.
Also get in touch here if you'd like to try Inner World English, or Teachers at Ease.

How can I help you?

Thanks! I'll be in touch soon!

Services I Offer

Choose how I can best support you

Image by Carlos Magno
Image by Jeremy Bishop
Image by Joshua Woroniecki

Free Your Language

For Tongue-tied Learners

One-to-one personalised sessions to locate and dissolve the subconscious reasons your spoken English doesn't sound as good as it should.

Inner World English

For Psycho-Spiritually inclined Learners

You have an intermediate level or above and would love to use your English to talk about your inner world with someone who is into all that woo-woo!!
One-to-one conversation and tasters of mind-body-soul tools and techniques in English.

In Our Hands

For a healing experience, in English

You have no blocks to speaking English, but maybe you'd like to experience relief to other blocks, in English. Or maybe you just fancy some nervous system support with a mind-body-soul technique. All in English!

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